Admission and Orientation

An interview will be arranged to familiarize you and your child with the surroundings, answer questions, and complete admission forms prior to enrolment. A non-refundable registration fee is required, and can be paid at this time. The family will be given a tour of the building and staff will go through the Orientation Checklist to ensure all areas are discussed. Staff will also be available to answer any questions or concerns during Orientation.
If for any reason you must withdraw your child, two weeks written notice of your intention to withdraw must be given.
In some extreme situations, CHEEC reserves the right to terminate childcare. When CHEEC feels that there is a situation that has been ongoing with no resolution, termination may take effect. Two weeks notice will be given to the family as we request them to do so for us.
Admission and Orientation
An interview will be arranged to familiarize you and your child with the surroundings, answer questions, and complete admission forms prior to enrolment. A non-refundable registration fee is required, and can be paid at this time. The family will be given a tour of the building and staff will go through the Orientation Checklist to ensure all areas are discussed. Staff will also be available to answer any questions
or concerns during Orientation.
Behaviour Management
Corporal punishment of a child by staff, student, volunteer, parent or any other person or by another child or group of children is prohibited.
This includes spanking, striking with an object, locking or confining a child in a room or separate area, use of physical restraints, forcing a child to repeat physical movements, abusive or belittling language, deliberate harsh or degrading measures that would humiliate a child or undermine a child’s self-respect, deprivation of a child’s basic needs including food, shelter, clothing or bedding, are not permitted. This includes a parent interacting with their own child/ren while at Central Hastings Early Education and Childcare or on a trip or event organized by Central Hastings Early Education and Childcare.
Children are to be “disciplined” in a positive manner at a level that is appropriate to their actions and ages. Positive behaviours should be rewarded and praised in an effort to encourage such behaviour. This approach does much to enhance the child’s self esteem and to improve general behaviour patterns. The goal of discipline is learning.
In a situation where staff feel the behaviour is extreme, parents/guardians may be contacted to come and pick up their child.
Please see our online Parent Handbook for information on Bill 168.
Health Policies
We must have your child’s Enrollment Form on file. Your child’s immunization must be up to date and we must have the Immunization Assessment (green sheet from the Health Unit) before your child begins. This involves the parent/guardian submitting their child/s immunization records to the daycare for the administrator to submit it to the Health Unit. It takes up to two days to receive the green sheet back so please submit the records to us immediately. It is also the parent/guardian’s responsibility to keep the daycare informed of all immunizations that are received after enrollment has began.
Please do not send your child to School if he has a fever, a
constant cough, or infected nasal discharge. If your child has contracted a contagious illness, contact us at once. If your child/ren has experienced diarrhea or vomitting while at home or in our care, you will be asked to keep them home until they are symptom free for 24hours. We do not have a thermometer on site due to the legality of it therefore we do not take children’s temperatures. If staff feel your child is running a fever, they will contact you for you to make the decision on whether to pick up or leave them in program.
Daily observation is made of each child in attendance in order to detect possible symptoms of ill health. A child may be refused acceptance for the day if the child appears to be unwell by the staff or Manager.
If a child becomes ill during the day, the parents will be notified for pickup and the child will be kept apart from the other children until pickup.
If the Manager feels that a child needs immediate medical attention, 911 will be called. Parents will assume responsibilities for all medical expenses.
Smoke Free Policy
On May 31, 2006, the Smoke Free Ontario Act came into effect. Under this Act, smoking is prohibited in all day nurseries and private home day cares licensed under the Day Nurseries Act. This means all licensed child care facilities, like our own, must be smoke free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whether or not children are present. This includes our parking lots and our entire facilities.
Allergy Alert - Anaphylaxis
We have children in our centres with a severe life-threatening food allergy to peanuts and nuts (anaphylaxis). This is a medical condition that causes a sever reaction to specific foods and can result in death within minutes. All allergy lists are posted in your child’s classroom. Please take the time to make yourself aware of theses allergies.
If your child has had a food containing peanuts prior to arriving at our centre; your child’s hands must be washed before entering the Centre.
* No outside snacks can be brought into the Centre